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In “Yoga for Every Child,” the emphasis lies on inclusivity and the universal benefits of yoga practices for children of all abilities and backgrounds. While most practices within the book are tailored to address the unique needs of children and teens with diverse health conditions and challenges including anxiety, sensory processing difficulties, hyperactivity, emotional struggles, and sleep issues, it’s important to recognize that these practices are beneficial for every child, regardless of any given labels or diagnoses.

Yoga is a holistic practice that promotes physical health, mental well-being, emotional regulation, and social connection. The postures, breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, relaxation practices, and interactive games offered in the book are designed to support children in developing cognitive resilience, flexibility, strength, balance, focus, and self-awareness – qualities that are essential for all humans to thrive.

Whether you’re a parent, educator, therapist, or yoga enthusiast, “Yoga for Every Child” offers a wealth of accessible and adaptable practices that can enrich your life and empower the children in your care to thrive.